Airwell Radon Mitigation Systems

Airwell is the best way to protect yourself from harmful radon exposure, reducing radon levels in your well water by 92-99%. As the sole distributors of Airwell systems in Northern Virginia, look to us for your installation service.

Radon Can Be

25,000 people in North American die each year from radon-induced lung cancer. In fact, radon is the leading cause of lung cancer among nonsmokers in North American.

Radon Can Be Ingested

Radon ingestion is followed by absorption in the bloodstream. It then results in direct health risks from irradiation of sensitive cells in the gastrointestinal tract and other organs.

You Can Find Radon...

In Your Glass

If there’s radon present in your well water, you’re also ingesting radon in your drinking water.

In the Shower

High-radon well water is coming out of the shower head and off gassing as steam too.

On Your Dishes

If radon is present in your water, it’s being used to clean your dishes in the kitchen sink and dishwasher.

On your Clothes

Radon is off gassed in the laundry machine as well, soaking into the clothes you wear each day.

The Airwell Radon Mitigation System


  • Reduces 92-99% of radon
  • Aerates water from aquifer
  • Consumes energy at a very low voltage (about same as a 60W light bulb)
  • Performs methane and sulfur mitigation and precipitates iron out of water
  • Runs 24/7 and requires no maintenance or cleaning. Costs are negligible in comparison with a diffused bubble system


Airwell Radon Mitigation System


  • Pumps air 30’ below water level
  • Does not affect a constant pressure system in the home
  • Flexible in well depth and varying radon level mitigation
  • Takes up minimal space, as the small system is installed at the well head
  • Comes with an optional Airwell Noise Reduction Kit, muffling noise by 50% from standard, exposed installation


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